Today I have the pleasure of bringing you an original recipe form Adara Aho! Adara is 11 years old and is a brilliant cook! Her family is serving here with us in South Africa and we love them dearly. She is busy making and baking to sell to local coffee shops and friends. Every time I visit the Aho home, Adara is cooking. God is growing the gift of hospitality in this girl!!!
Lately she has been working to recreate traditional American recipes from scratch. Hurrah for no MSG or preservatives! Adara recommends you use all organic dried herbs and spiced to make this and flavor your food with. I am very proud to say that I will be making this this weekend and cooking up some fish tacos… recipe may follow!
2 tbsp Chili Powder
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Onion Powder
1/2 tsp Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
1/2 tsp Dried Oregano
2 tsp Paprika
3 tsp Ground Cumin
2 tsp Sea Salt
Optional: 2 tsp Black Pepper (If you want it spicy!)
Mix all these together and store in a cute little jar like Adara did.
This is amazing on fish, chicken or steak. Use 3 tbsp of this yummy mix per pound of meat.
Hurrah! Mexican food now available everywhere you travel!