Decorate for how you want to feel
This Christmas I’m longing for a deep exhale.
The year has held so much pain. What felt like loss that wouldn’t end. In every category. Loss of dreams, close friendships, relationships, future plans, land, home, mental health, youth, appearance, trust, hope, almost my marriage.
But somehow I wouldn’t trade it. These losses, or almost losses, pushed me to dig deeper than I ever have before. I saw things in myself I could never have known about.
I grew. But mostly I let go. Finally giving over control of my life and the lives of the people I hold most dear. Someone else who knows better than me can take the wheel, a Higher Power.
I’m letting the Light through the cracks, ground and connecting to God. Finding Him everywhere. Especially in Nature and stillness.
For me this year, Christmas is about making space to let the Light in. After all, isn’t that what Jesus is? The Light of Heaven that came into our Humaness.
To Be. With Us

(I made this wreath from local Protea and Christmas Berry, every item Locally grown and coming into season at Charisrmas-time. I hung it in my bathroom, just for myself. Nobody else 😍)
I tend to reflect my personal process in how I decorate my house. Maybe you do that too . Or if you don’t maybe you might want to try it this year.
I just wanted to share some simple little ways I’ve prepared my home this Christmas Season.
My Christmas Decorating is simple and local this year. We cut Town a tree in our village for $35.

Stashing extra twinkle Lights in every corner I can.

Foraging Non-Stop, literally.

I love how it came together. I hope these photos and thoughts can serve as permission for you to express yourself in your home, in your creatively and hospitality.

Create a space to host yourself, your family, and the Light that fills every corner.
Xo Beth