My friends Deby and Kathy recently took over the CommunityEats Instagram account. It was so so cool to see gathering and food through their eyes! They shared thoughts on bringing people together, intentionally setting up the gathering to honor, listen and share.

Deby and Kathy are both remarkably gifted in opening their homes. Their style is relaxed, warm, and you get the feeling you can jump right in and create a recipe in their kitchen- as if it were your own! I've often noticed that their recipes are simple, keeping them available to connect wholeheartedly with what's happening around them.

This recipe is borrowed from their friend Lynn and promises fresh bread with minimal kneading and mess!
Lynn's 4 Ingredient Bread:
1 packet Instant Dried Yeast ( 2 tsp)
2 cups warm Water
5 cups Flour (can be All Purpose or Bread Flour)
1 tbsp Sea Salt

Mix everything together in a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook. You can of course also do this by hand too! Mix until the dough is smooth and all the flour is fully incorporated. You can't really over mix so don't worry.
The dough will be quite sticky still.
Shape into two loaves, working with floured hands. Drizzle two bowls with a touch of olive oil and place the loaves in the bowls. Cover with a tea towel and allow to rise until double in size. About 2-3 hrs.

Pre-heat the oven to 400. Transfer the loaves to a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 mins or until dark golden brown.
Allow to cool for min 30 mins before slicing!

xo Deby and Kathy