I love cold-pressed juice, it's always SUCH a treat. During our time living in Kauai we frequented Kauai Juice Co in Kilauea, my favorite were their green juices. When we moved back to Kona our first purchase was a Hurom Juicer, so we could make our very own cold-pressed vitamin filled drinks.

I personally juice primarily vegetables, with added lemon or lime for freshness. Shocking fact... sometimes I just don't want to chew a salad! So I make a big green juice and fit in all my greens for the day! I like to boost any recipe out with a bit more celery, it stretches the juice further and has incredible benefits.

These three combos are the ones I go back to morning after morning. If I'm careful with the ginger, even the kiddos will drink it! Play around with the ratios, greens, and herbs to find your favorite flavors.
Note: Juice according to your machines directions. No juicer? Blend in a high speed blender then strain through a cheesecloth.

Each Serves 2
Carrot-Orange Ginger
5 carrots
2 peeled oranges
1/4 inch root ginger
1/4 inch turmeric root
3 green apples
1/2 inch root ginger
2 peeled lemons
Green Juice
6 spears celery
1 peeled lime
1 handful cilantro
1/2 large cucumber
1/2 green apple
2 hand-fulls greens such as beet greens kale or romaine.
Let me know what you end up making! xo