In life, when something good happens, do you Brag?? We are taught not to brag. Bragging is bad. But what if it wasn't?
My friend and Teacher Alexis taught me how to Brag. When something happens in your life, especially as a result of your own attention and hard work, BRAG.
It goes like this: ' I Brag that I made the best salad dressing of my life. I am such a genius that I tapped into my imagination and put these flavors together. I am amazing at creating from my pleasure.'
Also, when the shit goes down and it's awful but you turn the Lemons into Lemonade...BRAG. Brag about how you survived and what you learned. How it made you the badass you are.
Get it?
I created this recipe while cooking for a retreat around Embodied Feminine. I as working in the kitchen and could overhear 20 women sharing their 'Brag's'. The energy of championing and celebrating each others victories was palpable and I for sure drew from it as I mixed this up.

This goes really well on Salad Niscous. But honestly put it on everything. Especially Meat or Fish. Just trust me and keep it in your fridge this Summer. And send me your 'Brag'.

2 TBSP Dijon Mustard
2 TBSP Sherry Vinegar
1.5TBSP Maple Syrup
2 small cloves of Garlic, finely grated
1/2 cup Avocado Oil
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
Sea Salt and Course Black Pepper
In a medium sized mixing bowl, whisk together the mustard, vinegar and maple syrup.
Grate in the Garlic and whisk until well combined. Add in the lemon juice.
Slowly pour in the oil in a steady stream while you whisk. This will emulsify the dressing together giving it a really lovely consistency.
Salt and Pepper to tast!