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Using your Table to Practice Gratitude

Gathering a large family, small family, or a group of friends around a meal is such fun. It’s also loud, messy, and often difficult to actually have a decent conversation! 

(my siblings gathered around the Table… )

We have experienced how speaking out Gratitude increases Faith, brings Joy, heals hurting hearts, and shifts the culture of a room. We use this principle at our table too.

Whether it’s our three growing boys or a house full of guests from the neighborhood we  often ask this simple question to the table ,‘ What are you thankful for  today?’ .

Listening to the answers to this simple question brings us to hearing about each others days. It’s a precious moment, always. It also forces all of us to look for the good in our day. Now that’s a really important thing to do EVERY DAY!

Why not try it with your roommates tonight?   Order take-out if your not up to cooking, but sit together and share about your thankful moments of the day. You will go to bed happier, I promise…

This is a picture of my parents ( with their children and grand children gathered around! They were missionaries in England for over 25 years and now travel training 3rd world Pastors. They have seriously modeled using the table as a training place for Jesus! Here we are just picnicking together…sharing what we were thankful for that day!



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